Manhaj of the Salaf


His grace shall pass generations to come and his love is eternal& u shall find old and new gospel worship songs with bible verses and prayer.

Christian e books ,join and get deep access to books on Christian books embassy groups, this books builds the shaky once Christians,it impact, life’s change lifes

Catholic rejuvenation. Make Heathens Afraid Again General Admin. @Despertarferro Community: @ChannelCollection

Catholic Readings, Teachings, Music and News Admin:

Learn to Read and Understand the Qur’an Today…. Contact admin via: @QuranSchoolbot

A place for the latest news, inspirational quotes, and information regarding Catholicism. All biblical references in this channel comes from the wording of the 1866 printing of the Douay-Rheims Bible....

a place to feel close to God

DISCLAIMER – this channel posts reminders from Quran and Sunnah books, and is not affiliated with any fighting groups in Syria. We do not promote any acts of violence and...

“If we want to be true and honest Christians, we must go back to those earliest ante-Nicene authorities, the true fathers of the church.”

Quran listen and download Audio Library Quran – Collections Beautiful Quran recitation Admin @mp33quran_admin

An online community for ṭullāb ul-ʿilm producing: • Articles • Book reviews • Webinars/Courses • Educational videos • Infographics and much more!