🔎Extra Reading , Listening, Speaking and Writing materials And General English 📰 News : @DILSHODVALIJONOV
English is an impressively complex and colourful language. Learn to use it correctly and help others to learn too.
💭English channel will make your 🧠 skills up, study easy with: polls, slang, new idioms, crosswords, facts and even homework Questions/cooperation: @mrpotatoonline Admin: @annamarkson
Learn English with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke! for contact: @feedback_zone for MP3 & LYRICS 👉 @lyricsforenglish for ads: @reklama_qabul
Журналы на английском языке Реклама @roof_talks Канал с испанскими книгами @espanolconamigos
IELTS/CEFR✅ Motivation&News&Songs&Books✅ Channel created:25.06.2018 Creator: @Elbek_Akbarovich 🗣Channel for Speaking: @speaking_checker_IELTS 🇮🇹Channel for learning Italian: @Italian_lan Blog: @kbarovich Instagram.com/Elbek.Akbarovich
🌈Good day, my dears!!! The channel is created to provide an easier access to the learning materials for students learning English or preparing for IELTS and CEFR Admins: @Lady_Boss_087 @Zandie_Watson
Certificate in Teaching English to speakers of other languages World recognized certificate from University of Cambridge 📞 +998 99 889 8670 🌐www.celta.uz 📩t.me/CELTA_Cambridge_CEFR
🔊Daily MCQs based on 👇 🔰The Hindu Vocab 🔰Spotting Errors 🔰Fillers 🔰Idioms & Phrasel Verbs 👉Bot quiz link ✓
We provide motivation, inspiration, and real life English! You’ll learn about American culture and how to communicate naturally and easily in English. We’ll help you move from the intermediate to...
Join us to improve your ENGLISH. Join group for discussion– https://t.me/englishlearninggroup4all
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