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😍Everything is most but English is First😍 👉A channel that provides Daily Five Questions of English Grammar 👉 Daily Topic wise test 👉Topic wise Quizzes Telegram Group 👉 @English_tests_daily Telegram...

⭕Speak better English ⭕Give better answers ⭕Get a higher score on the IELTS Speaking test @keithspeaking_academy It has IELTS Speaking TIPS, RESOURCES, LESSONS and Sample answers. Find out more about...

Only personal content 😎 Owner and Author: @ManagerOXM

🪙 IELTS Tips 🎶 Listening Podcasts 📖 Reading Passages 📝 Writing & 🗣 Speaking Samples 💯 run by Temurbek (IELTS 8.0) (sources are mentioned)

The collection of best materials for fast and easy learning Russian language.

Welcome to the channel of studying “English Phonetics and Phonology” book by Peter Roach – 4th Edition

The BEST website for the IELTS Aspirants. You will get all the latest materials, Great tutorials, practice tests and guidance to crack your IELTS Test. FREE IELTS Materials, Practice Tests...

Best of Proverbs in English from around the world for you. Our Channels: @Ur_Channels 🌏 ~~~~~~ Contact: @DrFawazbot .✅ ——- For advertisement: @Paid3

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This channel exists here to help you improve your English/IELTS skills. I hope you will enjoy and learn something new. Our youtube channel –