
We stand for Freedom and Empowerment with peaceful protests in Australia. Discussion Group:

Over 1M Views, 7K YT Subs, America FIRST, not America Last, Anti-TPUSA, Strategist, Tactician, Meme-Master, Edgy Censored Straight White Male,...

Former U.S. Secretary of State, Director of the CIA, Congressman. Christian, husband, father, Army veteran, Kansan and proud American 🇺🇸

A channel to expose how jews are running a full blown white genocide and anti white agenda. Old: Main...

Welcome to the Official North Carolina Audit Watch Channel, where we put as many eyes on election audits as possible!...

Thank you for your support Patriots! Just joined Telegram, tired of the Big-Tech censorship! Make sure to subscribe and share...

A place for free thinkers and curious people. Many subjects covered. Agreement is never a requirement, but don’t be an...

An Evolving Think Piece Dissecting The Nihilistic Plight Of Muggledom.

Regd. NGO working towards protect Environment, Fundamental Rights etc

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

The best libertarian memes from the bowels of the internet. Telegram links: @libertarianlink If you have a question or issue:...

Channel for all things Celtic. The Celtic nations are Mannin, Alba, Éire, Cymru, Breizh and Kernow. @ChannelCollection