Science Updates


Hey everyone , welcome to the amazing channel ; Here you will able to find scientific/educational amazing facts on almost...

Principles and information about Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering.

Daily Dose of Science. Current Research and Events Happening in Science All Around the World. Personally Curated Headlines from Various...

Knowledge Finders is a Science Channel on telegram. We share science facts, news, articles and videos.

The best science facts, news, discoveries, videos and more! Daily! Official Chat: @EverythingScienceChat Contact: @DigitisedRealitySupport Links: @DigitisedRealityHub Other channels:...

Science channel, thrilling videos and articles – English + Hindi science channel 📢 Thrilling science videos ❌ No politics ❌...

All of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking. ~Albert Einstein

Collection of the top articles, videos, events, books and jobs on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision and other...

Hi I am John from University of Victoria and share microscope materials from laboratory @aircoin

Welcome to Chemically Speaking❤️ You will get everything related to Chemical Engineering,be it notes,study material,test series etc If you want...

Bibliographical scientific research Search the paper you need by @SRLibrarygroup Only for educational purpose

A CHANNEL for Medical Science Students and Doctors