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Learn English through lyrics, karaoke and songs. The most beautiful songs: Listen and learn the lyrics. for contact: @feedback_zone for...

In our channel you can find👇 🎥 Short movies+Cartoons with subtitles 📻 Audio stories 📖 Stories with subtitles 🗃 Worksheets...

Журналы на английском языке Реклама @roof_talks Канал с испанскими книгами @espanolconamigos

English is a Global Language. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within...

We provide motivation, inspiration, and real life English! You’ll learn about American culture and how to communicate naturally and easily...

All the essays are 100% correct in terms of grammar and word choice, as have been written or revised by...

Official Channel of Electric English ✅ This group is dedicated to English Preparation. Vocab, Grammar & Comprehension Quizzes Download Electric...

Welcome to the channel of studying “English Phonetics and Phonology” book by Peter Roach – 4th Edition

🌈Good day, my dears!!! The channel is created to provide an easier access to the learning materials for students learning...

Hello guys, Everybody loves it when things are in proper order, so we have come up with a dedicated Channel...

Канал для всех, кто любит или изучает Английский. Погружение в языковую среду не покидая Киева: клубы, фильмы, вечеринки.По вопросам писать...