This channel aggregates interesting information from many resources. So If you are interested in Swift, iOS, Apple and so on...
This channel will serve you all the codes and programs which related to Python. We post the codes from the...
Vulnerability assessment, IT compliance management, security automation and other beautiful stuff. Discussion group for this channel: @avleonovchat. PM me @leonov_av
The best blog posts about programming for iOS and Mac. Run by @alexeygolikov Facebook: Twitter:
Downloads for all Syberia devices
Its Tech Universe….The world beyond the eyes of the talented and behind the backs of the Service Providers..GOATS only
StarDevs provide you a huge variety of bots and source codes usually written in Python and Go.
Important updates and notices from Intellivoid Discussions: @IntellivoidDiscussions Tweets by Intellivoid Donate:
Some of the NEWS about malwares, security issues, thoughts and … Partner channel: @cveNotify Contact: @SirMalware
#elixir #phoenix #erlang News and Articles from the world of Elixir-lang. For contact @drEnilight
Mobile infosec news about – security, privacy, malware, bugs, vulnerabilities, data leaks, bug bounty hunting, security tips & tutorials, tools,...
Everything about graph theory, computer science, machine learning, etc. If you have something worth sharing with the community, reach out...
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