
Every day the most funny videos from around the world! http://telegram.me/failsrussia Partnership @denis_okunkov

We post offensive memes Don’t join if you are easily offended! Friendly Channel – @nigromeme (Super Offensive) mature memes, dirty memes, dank memes, funny memes, memes, horny memes, offensive memes,...

we be postin always funny & relatable get a dose of laughter 🤗 the matured people knows what we be postin ! AND you are matured enough 🤗 creator @mi_shary99...

Depresso, drugs, furry shit, kinky stuff, green-anarcho-left-whatever-we-are-ism, shitposting Occasional jojo and beastars posting send memes to @minicita and @tailie check out our friends at @nyannom @surlidumbs @RIOTDOGS

🔷WIUT MEMES @West_Memes_bot 06.11.2019

music/merch/other pages: lnky.in/eternalclassic stickers: t.me/addstickers/dadoem_akira | t.me/addstickers/smilingfriends admin: @eternalclassicadmin if admin doesn’t answer: @stek29

Try Not to laugh Daily jokes Funny memes Edm musics Roast lines …all here @Hustler_EDM @Hustler_EDM @Hustler_EDM

Hello my name is Dagmawi, I’m just a typical teen & In this channel I’ll be posting my activities along with other stuff. And you’re welcome to check them out....

Funny programmer and computer jokes (mostly from /r/programmerhumor) Also check out @programmerjokes for more 22491c0f

Unofficial channel for Existential Comics If you have questions/requests feel free to write me at @recursing

Follow self made vines, memes, jokes, stupidity, sarcasm, offense… have fun y’all! ሀበሻ Made 🇪🇹 Instagram 📸 @kirabbitt Twitter 🐦 @KiRabbitt For any ideas, suggestions & Comments Contact me @KiRabbot...